I have lived in several places that have been hit by hurricanes, including Kingston, Jamaica, Winter Haven, FL, and Atlanta, GA. There is always the preparation stage, which involves stocking up on water bottles, food, medicines, and most importantly, ensuring that all my devices are charged. However, all these preparations do not guarantee that you will not encounter devastation or loss of life. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t prepare when potentially catastrophic events are looming. Part of our preparation must include planning for the worst-case scenario. For example, what am I going to do if I lose my house, my car, my possessions, or, God forbid, a family member? Preparing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually should be part of our habit when we are faced with challenging times, including a hurricane.

In North Carolina, according to the NC Public Health, “Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth in North Carolina ages 10 to 18, and the third leading cause of death for those ages 19 to 34.”1 I am sure it is nearly as high in other places across the country. Preparing young people for a purposeful life while helping them overcome their emotional, mental, and spiritual roadblocks through our Powered for Life program is one way Jobs for Life is helping local community organizations combat this hurricane, that is impacting our youth.

What is Powered for Life? Powered and Life are acronyms that describe what young people experience within this Youth-focused transformational Process.

P – Purpose driven
O – Optimistic
W – Willing team player
E – Excelled in effort
R – Resourceful

L-Learning what purpose and success mean for you
I-Inspiration through role models and instruction to identify and clarify
F-Focusing on a goal and developing their faith in God to achieve it
E-Experiencing success by taking action steps in your ‘Game Plan

Help prepare the youth in your Church or your community for Life. Learn how, by contacting Diana at training@jobsforlife.org. If you would like to donate to the upgrading of this curriculum or to the work of JfL in local communities, please give HERE! or on our website.

We have a goal to raise $75,000 by year-end, and we still need your help to reach it. Any donation, no matter how small, will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support!

Margaret with the Volunteer team from Victory Ministries part of Better Works in Columbus, GA

Check out this testimony from the volunteer on why she serves with Jobs for Life here!

  1. https://injuryfreenc.dph.ncdhhs.gov/DataSurveillance/SuicideData.htm ↩︎