Site Leader Survey Class Information Organization Name Class Id Graduation Date First Name Last Name Email Phone Leadership Team Which site leadership roles were filled? Check all that apply. Site Leader Class Facilitator Student Relations Leader Champion Team Leader Business Relations Other If other, who? Describe the level of business experience among volunteers and the leadership team. Select one. None Some Most All How many businesses were represented? How many volunteers participated? How many of Champions were willing to go the extra mile? Please select... None (0%) Few (25%) Half (50%) Most (75%) All (100%)How Champions spent time with students outside of the class? x Student Information What statement best describes your recruitment process?Please select... Had no recruiting process, had no problems Had no recruiting process, had problems Had recruiting process, had no problems Had recruiting process, had problems Number of Participants enrolled in the class? How many participants dropped out? How many participants graduated? How many graduates were pursuing employment? How many graduates are incarcerated and will not be released in the next 90 days? How many graduates obtained work upon graduation or shortly thereafter (within one month)? How many graduates pursued additional education or vocational training after graduation? 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Criminal History No Education Physical Disability Addiction No transportation No childcare Other Your Stories Describe how you and your team felt leading this class?Please select... Not equipped Somewhat equipped Adequately equipped Extremely equipped What additional topics would you like more information on? Student recruitment Business Relations Re-entry Facilitation Trauma Vocational Training Other If you have any suggestions, we'd love to hear them! ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★ How well do we support you? Share a story with us! Upload a photo from your class. reCAPTCHA helps prevent automated form spam. The submit button will be disabled until you complete the CAPTCHA. Contact Information