JfL - "Dignity of Work" Speaker Series Thank you for your willingness to be a part of our JfL speaker series! Please submit your information in the form below. If you have any issues or questions, please contact Ryan Ray at rray@jobsforlife.org. We look forward to sharing your story! Speaker Information First Name Last Name Email Phone City StatePlease select... AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY Organization / Company Role / Title Your bio (250 word max) About your organization/company/work (250 word max) Your photo (high-res headshot preferred) Organization / Company logo (if applicable) Do we have your permission to record your conversation with Ryan Ray, and to share with the JfL network through email, the JfL website, and JfL's various social media platforms?Please select... Yes No Maybe, but I'd like to discuss further reCAPTCHA helps prevent automated form spam. The submit button will be disabled until you complete the CAPTCHA. Contact Information