I have had the privilege for the past month to be staying in Raleigh, NC. I will be here for the next 2 months to meet the people who have built and supported Jobs for Life from a local organization to a Global Impact ministry that has transformed individuals and communities around the world. Pastor Donald McCoy pictured here with his wife and myself, co-founded the ministry with Chris Mangum. I had the honor of speaking at his church.
The Jobs for Life “Myths”
In the past months of taking on the leadership role of Jobs for Life and particularly being here in Raleigh, there are myths about the ministry that I think are important to remove.
Myth 1:
Jobs for Life is a purely local ministry…FALSE. JFL was started in Raleigh, NC in 1996 but it has partnered with community-based Christian organizations in the majority of the states in the US and at least 9 or more countries around the world, including Africa, Australia, and Europe
Myth 2:
Jobs for Life is a for-profit organization…FALSE. JFL is a 501(C) 3 non-profit Christian Organization that has been supported only by faithful givers over the past 28 years primarily from the Raleigh area. Its’ trainings, resources, and curriculums are offered at deficient underwritten primarily by the generosity of its donors.
Myth 3:
Jobs for Life’s faithful givers are from all around the world…FALSE. JFL has been primarily financially supported by faithful givers from the Raleigh, NC area. Around 80-90% of Jobs for Life financial support for the past 28 years has been the generous faith community of Raleigh.
Myth 4:
Jobs for Life’s resources, trainings, and curriculums are being used more by Christian Organizations located in Raleigh, NC…FALSE. Roughly 95% of those who utilize JFL resources, trainings, and curriculums are located outside of the Raleigh Community.
We owe a great debt of thanks to the Christian Community in Raleigh for their 28 years of faithful service to the work and ministry of Jobs for Life. Without them “staying on the wall” (Nehemiah 4:16-18), ministries like Heart for Winter Haven, where I helped launch and expand a local JfL ministry that saved lives could not have flourished. So to our family in RALEIGH, THANK YOU!! for your faithfulness to God and your generosity and kindness in enabling ministries around the world to transform lives.
Margaret Jones
We absolutely love this ministry and the folks that have given to help it flourish.
Thank you my brother Brad