
Business for Kingdom Transformation – Oct 2014


A World Bank survey of 60,000 people in poverty around the world found that the No. 1 way the poor see themselves escaping poverty is by obtaining meaningful jobs, not charity. One of the biggest needs in our under-resourced communities is jobs-good jobs, jobs that pay a living wage, and jobs that allow parents to care for their families.


Our webinar guests are three business and community leaders committed to the life-giving role business plays in increasing opportunity and reducing poverty. Having just recently led the CCDA Market Solutions for Community Transformation pre-conference, our webinar panelists will discuss leassons learned, succesful models, and strategic insights for the way God uses our work and business to create flourishing communities.



Wendy Clark: President, Carpe Diem Cleaning, Durham, NC

Rudy Carrasco: US Regional Facilitator, Partners Worldwide, Grand Rapids, MI

Brian Jenkins: President, StartingUp Now, Chicago, IL

Building The Church Behind Prison Walls – Nov 2013


Today, 2,300,000 men and women are incarcerated in the U.S. 98% of them will be released. 2 out of 3 will re-offend and go back to prison within three years of their release. What if that was turned upside down? What if instead those released became leaders of our communities transforming lives for the glory of God rather than returning as repeat offenders?

David Spickard, Jobs for Life’s President and CEO, will interview Jim Liske, President and CEO of Prison Fellowship. Prison Fellowship has spent decades ministering to inmates and their families implementing proven, research based programs that address crime at its root – the human heart.

Jim will give light to the growing prison and re-entry crisis in our country and offer practical, biblical ways for you, your church, and your community to address the problem head on.