Since moving to the Raleigh area 5 years ago, I’ve occasionally been asked “ Who is LaToya McCutcheon”. I must admit, it’s a legitimate question for those seeking to connect with me on a deeper level. However, I’ve found myself pausing to answer it because there are so many layers to who I am and that can even oftentimes be subjective. For instance, I could answer this question with the simplicity of stating where I was born or where I went to college. Most commonly, I’ve replied based on what my role requires of me daily by saying, I’m a wife, mother, daughter, sister, caretaker, college graduate, and business leader. However, there is so much more to me that I would still have to unravel. Yes, I am all of those things, but not only that.
LaToya McCutcheon is an image bearer of Christ who has been tasked, as an African American woman, with the assignment to make disciples of all nations. I am so loved by a Heavenly Father who sees me and wants me to share his love so that others can grow into the knowledge and wisdom of who he is. I am an advocate for those who need the help and prayers of a stranger when all seems lost. Moreover, I am a believer in the collaboration of the body of Christ to bring shalom to all of God’s people regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomic status.
Therefore, it is not by surprise that God has given me the assignment as Chief Operations Officer for Jobs for Life. I am in awe of Him, and the work being done through all those that have partnered in this mission over the years. It is through this call, that we can help to transform the lives of others and impact communities. My prayer is that I can be an asset in moving Jobs For Life forward as we seek to help individuals find their identity in Christ through the dignity of work.
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